Philanthropy can bring about socio-economic changes at the grassroots and the Ponty Chadha Foundation has exemplified that. Incepted for creating parity across the board, the foundation has been working towards malnourishment eradication, special education, betterment of medical facilities, and food & nutrition accessibility to fringe demographics.
The charity is the vision for making philanthropy a distinctive culture in India. It works towards that goal through subsidiary setups which have come together under the PCF umbrella and work in unison.
The Mata Bhagwanti Chadha Niketan (MBCN), a pivotal facility of the foundation, looks at providing holistic care for differently abled children. The institution holds special curriculums and is equipped with a core of trained faculty professionally adept for specific disorders. MBCN aims at meeting cognitive and nutrition requirements for autism, cerebral palsy, stunted growth, visual and hearing impairments, and other disorders hindering natural growth. The charity-driven school directs a greater part of its funding towards collaborating special physical, cognitive and nutrition needs.
Special education and child malnutrition are two of the most definitive causes the Ponty Chadha Foundation stands for. The foundation has gained momentum over time as sensitization on the issue picked up, but a lot of grounds need to be covered to pull India’s steep child malnutrition ratedown, which is currently behindsome of the most impoverished countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The drive to make food more accessible fundamentally has seen the Ponty Chadha Foundation earning the collaboration of the nation’s food banking authority, the Indian Food Banking Network (IFBN). IFBN fosters sustainable food chains reaching out to underprivileged demographics, and teamed up with the foundation, the collaboration has seen Noida in Delhi NCR get its first food bank. The bank is essentially an end-to-end supply chain for procurement and delivery of food supplies and quality control.
Working towards restored societal balance requires branching out extensivelyand with increasing demographic coverage and social initiatives, the Ponty Chadha Foundation is adding meaning to the hope of the hundreds of thousands of needy, who deserve to be reached out the soonest possible.