Friday, 6 February 2015

Ponty Chadha Foundation Walks the Talk on Rural Healthcare

India has 70% of its population coming from rural sectors and a majority of them don’t have free healthcare access. Consequently, this segment of the country relies majorly on aid coming from the govt., NGOs and charities.

Additionally, India spends only about 4.2% of its GDP on healthcare which strains out its healthcare landscape. It is because of all these reasons that villages like Kuriagarhi are reeling under lack of healthcare avenues.

The village was recently a part of a drive held by Ponty Chadha Foundation aimed at boosting rural healthcare which saw a health camp being hosted within the village providing the villagers with an opportunity to access free health check-up and medication.

Things started off early at 1000 hours as enthused villagers started queuing up at the allocated point where registrations were being held. Volunteers from the Ponty Chadha Foundation along with doctors and paramedics from Indo German Hospital ensured every attendee had their name and age put down on an OPD card to be used for recording diagnosis.

It was found during the examinations that the village showed a high percentage of cases of hypertension and joint pain. Upon interaction with the villagers, it was learnt that most of these cases were the result of lack of medicare options and knowledge about treating early symptoms.
Some of the attendees had to be guided to the Indo German Hospital where they will receive advanced care and diagnostics.

Anticipating a huge gathering, volunteers of the Ponty Chadha Foundation had made arrangements for crowd control and management. A registration kiosk was set up to control the proceedings as the villagers waited out their turns to see the doctors.

A short session on the importance of early diagnosis and treatment was also held where volunteers of the Foundation urged the villagers not to procrastinate medical help.  By 1300 hours, all the attendees had been examined and tended to.

Ponty Chadha Foundation is the CSR wing of one of the biggest business conglomerates in India, the Wave Group. The Foundation is active in areas of special education and early child care and has Mr.Manpreet Chadha (Monty Chadha) as the Vice Chairman.